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Experiment 1: The Stair Conceptual Model

C O N C E P T U A L  S T A I R

Client: Mountain & Moon
Location: Ground level to Above Ground Studio

SCHEME 1: STAIR DESIGN 1 (ground to top) 


material selection: varnished timber

Inspiration drawn from the Maiko earrings (Mountain & Moon), which influenced the choice of the words ‘fall’ and ‘echo’, is emulated through the design’s uniformity and repetition, accented by subtle asymmetries such as the alternate directions that each frame curves in. The delicateness and intricacy of the client’s work is juxtaposed against the structure’s simplicity in both its unambiguous form and wooden material, and the strict verticality of each structure mimics the motion of cascading stairs, further emphasised by its curved corners.

SCHEME 1: DESIGN 2 (bottom to ground)

SCHEME 2: DESIGN 3 (bottom to ground)

SCHEME 2: DESIGN 4 (ground to top)

SCHEME 1                                    SCHEME 2


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