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Showing posts from February, 2020

Week 1 Studio - Independent Study

3 D  M O D E L client 1: Mountain & Moon client 2: Trent Jansen Studio (top) delicate (bottom) fragmented material selection : concrete for below ground structure, glass for datum, sporadic coloured planes C H O S E N  S E C T I O N   inspiration for glass paned roof drawn from this section

Introductory Task

ARCH1101 INTRODUCTORY TASK Image 1: Your Best Creative Work Portrait of Jess and Geoffrey, 2017 While simple in its realism and composition, and simple in subject, I still consider this one of my most creative works. It’s significant to me because it marks the realisation of a personal goal, to learn how to use oil paint and paint a portrait of someone close to me. This is the first and only time I’ve ever used the medium and therefore its creative process was extremely experimental but also incredibly fun. The colours I used were also fairly unconventional compared to my usual work. I met this friend at a pivotal point in my life and unfortunately a very tough one in hers; I wanted to paint her with someone who makes her very happy. Image 2: A Great Piece of Architecture Beichuan Earthquake Memorial Museum The National Earthquake Memorial located in Sichuan Province of China was commissioned by the government in memory of over 70,000 lives lost to the